Alexandru Presecan

Ninja Sport Trainer
Certified Mountain Rescue
Ninja Sport Kids

Alex Presecan este la bază inginer și lucrează ca șef de proiect. Pasiunile lui sunt cățăratul și alergarea montană. Este voluntar Salvamont


Pike Position HSPU (0”-5” Deficit)
Band Assisted bar Muscle-ups
Hollow Rocks

This is the third CrossFit box I've been to and it's by far, the best one. And here I'm telling you why: The coaches are focusing on the client, in the 1st place: our form, our improvement, and our enjoyment. Thanks!

Shelley Robertson

I like the location and the staff is very friendly and professional. I was impressed with the quality of equipment and my trainer was the highlight, indeed! Everyone is super friendly. I like the classes and variety.

Geoffrey Reed

Crossfit has changed my life. The obvious can be stated, Crossfit will make you look better. Crossfit has made me believe in myself. WOD’s that looked impossible I would accomplish one rep at a time.

Anna Black